
Read what our parents and students think about us

Below you will find reviews and testimonials from current and former Yi's Karate of Vineland students and their parents in Vineland, NJ.

We pride ourselves on being recognized as a Top Rated Martial Arts School by We hope that your experience on our website is friendly and easy to use.

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Then don't forget to check out all of the other reviews and see what others saying about our community service, martial arts instructors, programs, and much more. We take pride in teaching a high quality martial arts, offering great customer service and in our online reputation.

Angelica Wildin

My son did a complete turnaround! He looks forward to doing chores, helping out around the house and learning important information that is encouraged by the studio. He knows that it's all helpful and he can in the long run be rewarded for it. His attitude has become so much more positive as well. He is much more outgoing and not afraid to speak up. His confidence has grown especially when it comes to another child being verbally or physically aggressive towards him. He no longer backs down. The structure taught at this studio is incredible! We did explore three other studios before deciding, but once we came here… Yi’s won by a landslide.

Steven S.

After working my desk job for eighteen years, I managed to put on some extra pounds. A friend of mine suggested that I start taking martial arts instead of hitting the gym 6 days a week. I gave it a shot and a year and a half later I feel healthier and I am just five pounds away from my goal of losing 40 pounds! Big thanks to all the encouragement along the way from everyone in my classes! Martial arts are not just for kids and teens, adults can get started too!

Jerry G.

The increases I have noticed from my eight year old son are amazing. He is faster, has better reflexes and is no longer clumsy because his balance has improved! He really is learning as well as participating in the lessons and I’m so proud of how far he’s come in such a short time. I am very excited to see how far he will go! I appreciate the staff of Yi's Karate of Vineland so much for everything they do for these kids and my son!

Jay M

Our daughter loves it!!!! When she started she was very shy, soft spoken, and lacked confident. Since joining Yi's we have seen our little girl come into her own! She started with no experience and would attend her instructional classes in the beginning and now has been invited to attend their Black Belt Course FULL TIME!!!! The instructors are AWESOME!!!!!! We could not be any happier! Great place and would recommend time after time!

Theresa Miller-Scarborough

My daughter Princess has been with Yi's Karate on and off since 2019. When she started she was really shy, lacked drive and possessed little confidence. She has recently started to build her confidence and she definitely takes initiative to practice on her own at home. I greatly appreciate how much she is pushed during classes. Mr. Llabres makes her work toward her potential!!!

Sylvia D'Arrigo

My son James loves Yi's Karate, he started his journey almost three years ago.. He has worked his way from white belt to red with white stripe. He used to be afraid to try new things, but now he has the confident in himself. .

Jane M.

My son James loves the helpful instructors as he has worked his way from a white belt up to now being a green belt! Now after school James has something to look forward to. Although challenging he is always encouraged to further his development, something Yi's Karate of Vineland takes pride in. I strongly encourage martial arts lessons as I have watched James development in strength and discipline.

Mary W.

What price can one put on their child's safety and well being? It has been wonderful to watch as our daughter is instructed in the manner of how to identify a stranger; more importantly what to do should one try to put hands on or harm our child. Through the training at Yi's Karate of Vineland, our daughter has grown wiser and stronger. She's receiving the life skills that we want her to have. Yi's Karate of Vineland is reinforcing what she is learning at home in regards to discipline and respect, and amplifying in areas that they specialize in with the martial arts.